Trading mentor to learn commodity trading error-free


Learning commodity trading is intimidating because alone even with tons of materials and resources, things can seem sceptical. Well, you know the reason why. In that case, what if someone says that day trading commodities can become easy if you have a mentor? 

Who is a mentor? 

According to the definition, a mentor is someone with whom you can share a developmental relationship. This way you can get more experience and knowledge while developing a specific capacity to enter the world of trade. Evidently, there are several advantages of working and learning trading with a mentor. Some of the advantages you could get are:  

  • Reduced learning curve
  • Reduction in time wastage on trial and error methods
  • Save time to utilize in other productive processes
  • Faster goal achievements

Why do you need a mentor?

Similar to other skill-oriented fields, beginners tend to make several mistakes when it comes to futures, forex, commodity or stock trading. People often make these mistakes repeatedly which only damages their earnings. So, by learning the basics and the advancements from a person who has repeatedly floated down the rocky path of forex, futures, and stock trading, you’re only going to learn the ground reality. Without saying much, mentors can simply contribute exaggeratedly towards a higher number of novice successes and achievements in the trading market. 

People often make common mistakes that result in loss of money. But, when you do the same with the help of a professional, things can become different. Thus, having a credible and experienced mentor in trading and investment is nothing but all ‘valuable’. So, having agreed with the need for a day trading commodities mentor, the next step is to seek a mentor. There are certainly no qualifications defining who is a mentor, but when you’re on the lookout, ensure that you end up with a person who practices and teaches what he or she does. Also, make sure that the person is ready to offer you ongoing support. 

What to look for in a trading mentor

Now that you are certain about having a mentor on board while you learn commodity trading, here are a few things you need to look at when seeking one. 

First and foremost, your mentor should be able to make you believe in the trading methods that they teach. Besides that, they should also help you attain confidence in the approach of learning. This way, you can easily commit to and study the method. The hard truth is that people find it difficult to wrap their heads around forex, futures, or stocks trading. 

What you also need to lookout is that the mentor you choose is an active trader who genuinely considers trading so that rather than selling roadmaps and short-cuts, he or she could actually discuss and teach you market view, trades, trading steps, and so on. In simpler words, seek a trading and investment mentor who practices what they preach.

Can a mentor actually teach you commodity trading?

Having understood what a mentor does and why you need one, asking a question as such is a legitimate way to go down the road of being a successful learner. The question being whether a beginner can actually learn trading forex, futures, and stocks from a mentor wholly or not?  

According to many expert traders and the ones aspiring, having a person who understands how to trade and invest is a plus point for any newbie. Think of learning commodity trading as an effective demand and supply of strategies, and one who already has learnt the tricks and strategies to earn over a thousand times knows how to realistically deal with everything. 


Having a mentor means your trading capabilities are about to be nurtured! What could be better than that? Spare some time and think about how having a mentor could help you build skills, physiological capabilities and the confidence to take the risk for good results. 

When you are ready to learn more about day trading commodities, come to Commodities University. At CU, you’ll learn how to earn about or more than 10-20% daily ROI on a Futures Trading Account. Also, the mentors here are offered by professionals who have been in trading for decades. Need proof? Visit our website to read through success stories from across the borders. 

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