Earn More Profit with These 5 Mind Blowing Strategies


A commodity trade requires an effective strategy. We have mentioned the top 5 strategies for more profit. These futures day trading strategies are also helpful to beginners.

  1. Time Those Trades

Many investors and traders will begin placing orders in the day trading futures. It's an interesting phenomenon contributing to price volatility during those initial few minutes. There are many profit generating futures day trading strategies. One may be able to recognize certain patterns and use this knowledge to their advantage when exactly one may want to place a buy or sell order. Still, it may be better for beginners to observe and read the markets without executing any trades at first.

2.Cut Losses With Limit Orders

As you get your trade execution strategy checklist down, it's important to remember how you'll know when it's time to enter or exit a trade. Remember that there are two possible orders you can use - market orders and limit orders. The difference between these two is that with a market order, a trader submits an order for immediate execution at the best price currently available in the market, without guaranteeing that their orders will be executed at any set price whatsoever. On the other hand, a limit order ensures that traders have placed an entry order once it is submitted and filled but only at a limit price of their choosing. The main benefit of such an approach is its ability to increase precision and allow them greater control of their trades than would otherwise be possible with only being permitted to place standard market orders.

3.Be Realistic About Profits

Although strategies aren't always successful, successful traders know that even a strategy that succeeds less than 50% of the time can still be profitable. Many times the strategies that produce the largest profits are often losing trades! This is because they may only win by a few percent while they may lose by only a fraction of their trade – but their gains usually outweigh their losses due to this. That said, it's important to make sure each trade you take, whether winning or losing, is limited to specific amounts to your account, so losses aren't devastating to your overall balance. And also, keep in mind that the areas of your goals at the heart of it all, your main goal should be building financial security, not risking capital on highly risky bets which don't align with your long-term plans or priorities.

4.Stay Cool

Although you may be used to dealing with the stock market or similar markets throughout your career, there will come a time when it can affect both your emotions and logic. For example, if you're doing too much per day and not taking enough breaks in between, you are more likely to do something you regret (like giving in to the temptation of making a trade based on how you feel instead of what you are trading logic is telling you). It's important for working in this type of environment that you know yourself well.

5.Stick to the Plan

Traders must move fast, but they don't need to think fast. Why? Because they've improved their trading strategy in advance, with strict discipline. The best day traders develop their trading strategies before making any moves, and so they need to use them during trading instead of just trying to follow profits or chasing after them. Traders mustn't let their emotions get their best because that could lead to abandoning your strategy and being forced to start over from scratch. So remember this mantra of effective day traders on the market: plan your trade and trade your Plan!

Visit our website for more effective futures day trading strategies. At Commodity University, you can learn many day trading futures visit now! 

Source URL : https://www.commoditiesuniversity.com/



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