How Much Can You Make As a Day Trader?

Is it possible to determine the average rates of return during day trading commodities ? If so, what does it take to get started in day trading, and how much can one potentially make? How much money does the average day trader make? Unfortunately, the questions are impossible to answer. There is so much variation in strategy, risk management, and capital available for day trading commodities that an accurate figure is nearly impossible to attain. To be sure, it's very easy to lose money day trading. A 2010 study published by UC Berkeley's Brad Barber and UC Davis' Terrance Odean discovered that many individual investors hold undiversified portfolios and trade actively, speculatively, and eventually to their detriment. For day traders like you looking to enter this field of work, you must choose the right broker as they all tend to charge varying rates depending on what exactly your needs may be in terms of different kinds of trades. What Day Traders Do Day trading can b...